Pre-School | EYFS

Our learning  programmes and practices support inquiry-based learning and provide time for a special focus in specific skills. This is designed based on the expected developmental stages of the students whilst also being modified to meet the individual needs of the students.

In our programme, we allow for content to be driven by the students’ interest in areas of discovery.  From this we craft a unit of exploration and inquiry.

Learning language and how to interact with others are two key skills that are explicitly taught and given time to practise in the EYFS classrooms.

In addition to this we begin helping students to recognise emotions and how to work with them, especially when those emotions are big and difficult to deal with.

General overview of our school day for EYFS and Reception students

EYFS Timetables and Transitions

In EYFS we acknowledge especially in Preschool that some students have never entered a formal care facility or that which involves a full-day apart from their parents or primary care-giver.  Upon entering school we always ask parents to provide guidance on previous social experiences as transitioning to a half day programme and even a full day programme differs between schools. We even encourage our older Reception students to experience a gradual and positive transition despite being in full day care previously as  children do need tıme to adjust at theır pace.

Please note that at our school setting we do not provide or have the facilities to allow your child to sleep or have a scheduled ‘Nap Time’ for our İnfants, Half-day or even attending full day.  This is something to consider as parents and as teachers we do recommend a gradual transition ınto a longer day based on a child’s current behaviours, involvement, eating habits and ability to benefit educationally rather than just as viewed as a child care facility.  All periods of our day are busy and carefully planned and should we view a child not socıally-emotionally ready, experience difficulty eating enough to sustain themselves or experience other difficulties we as a staff will notify you and hope that you respect our observations to ensure this experience into school is as positive as possible.  By all means, if a child is tired and experiences difficulty with a full-day we as a staff communicate with parents and also have areas for your child to rest yet should it be ongoing we recommend a shorter day and a Transition program can be created and is based on children’s current needs developmentally.  We do hope that you too continue to respect any of our requests based on observations and knowledge of child development and behaviour to aıde your child's separation and you as parents' anxiety.

EYFS Classrooms

In EYFS we are  fortunate to have access to spacious and well lit classrooms that through thorough planning by staff, allow children,  space, and opportunities to independently explore, play alongside and with others as well as provide Adult-Led tasks and investigations.  We have a specific EYFS Floor for Preschool half and full-day programs.  On this level it allows children to engage and feel safe and secure with age appropriate games, independent tasks and a toliting facility nearby.  Our EYFS space is a very closely monitored area by all staff and ensures children continue to feel feel safe, secure and encouraged in their entry to school.  We take pride in providing a high staff:child ratio to ensure children are independently catered for yet also supported in their growing independence.  In EYFS we have both a Classroom Teacher and Teaching Assistant to aide the children at all times.  

Reception children are older and again continue to benefit from engaging in play amongst younger EYFS Students.  We provide spaces to experience a range of play opportunities and support them through carefully planned activities and Adult-Led tasks.

In Reception our classrooms are structured much the same yet allow for students to transition and work within more focused and Adult-Led groups (Literacy and Numeracy).   Reception is placed on the Yey Stage 1 floor which in Term 3 assists with their transition into a more formal Primary structure and daıly Circle Time involvement.

Each floor allows access to a child’s personal belongings and encourages independence to toilet and  wash hands as necessary.  Sanitisation pots are also available.  Our classrooms are well-equıped and through age-appropriate furniture and facılıties (toys, manipulatives, resources) we promote self discovery, mastery, ındependence and a love of learning.  As early as possible we value promoting a child’s independence, assign them small tasks and roles of responsibilities.

Each Classroom does consistency change and we pride ourselves on reflecting each individual's learning journey and process of learning. We provide displays that display the active cycle of learning and also that which reflect newly learnt skills, concepts and information that students can refer to to support their learning.

Early Years Schedule

Our Early Years Department comprise of 4 main components:

Nursery/ Play and Day Care several mornings a week 

*available only upon request and as per numbers

Pre-school (Half day)

Children aged 2 ½ years to 3 years of age attend a half day pre-school programme which depending on numbers, experience a half day of similar ındividual and adult-led tasks amongst other and older Preschool students.  Once 3 years of age we as a staff and with parent discussions organize the readiness and gradual transition for each child to transition to a longer and full day at school.  Please do know and acknowledge that further nap-times/ sleep are not available at our campuses.  Together we will assess this and organize a gradual and positive transition based on each child’s needs, behavior, eating habits and overall ability to engage in such a long day at school.

Pre-school (Full day):

Children aged 3 - 4 years of age attend full day preschool programs depending on previous EC experiences and attendance within a formal, educational setting.  We continue to encourage a gradual transition towards a full-day and gradual transition upon entering our EYFS Department and value your input regarding your child’s exposure to any previous alternative setting or lack of exposure to family members and social experiences. 

Reception (Full day)

As of turning 4 years of age we as a staff expect and closely observe a child’s behavior, and together, with parent discussions cater, discuss and support one another the readiness of our EYFS children into a more formalized education structure in Year 1.  This is a very big and significant transition and our careful planning and daily tasks which focus on independence and progression assist our children to cope and move smoothly into the Primary Department: formalized and set Literacy and Numeracy program according to the Cambridge Curriculum, set of standards for a Year 1 student.

In Reception, students learn to take on and accept further roles of responsibility amongst their peers and in the final term, begin to experience and transition into Primary and daily Group Meetings, Circles, play areas and be more involved in Primary Assemblies, House Points and collaboration.

Our children in Reception also have the option to attend scheduled After School Clubs each half-term should they display readiness to attend an extended day until 4:30pm.  This is mutually decided on by both EYFS staff and parents.  These activities support further skill development and learning and are not a source of After-School care, especially if older siblings are attending a club in Primary.

Regular, committed attendance and involvement is expected by all children who attend a Club.

Please feel free to contact us for:

The British International School Admissions
The British International School Procedures
The British International School Campus Visits
The International Baccalaureate
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Cambridge Assessment International Education
Duke Of Edinburgh Expedition Assessor Accreditation
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools

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